info coffee

Moroccan coffee with spices

Moroccan coffee with spices

The Arabic coffee with spices is the essential hot drink of the Moroccan table, is eaten slowly while savoring all its aromas often accompanied by honey cakes or oriental pastries such as Zlabia, Baklawa, Balah el sham, Kalb ellouz, Basboussa and others honeyed delights.The recipe is super easy and quick, just grind the spices then mix them with the coffee of your choice, preferably arabica, in this recipe I use several spices: cloves, cardamom, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cubeb, anise, mastic, fennel, nutmeg .

The particularity of this coffee is that there are sesame seeds and nuts which really gives depth to its aromas! I happen to use just a few! For the express version you can add the four spices with a little ginger to your drink!

Ingredients :

250g good quality ground coffee (preferably arabica)

10 cloves

10 black peppercorns

10 cardamom pods

10 cubeb seeds (tailed pepper)

1 teaspoon anise seeds

1 teaspoon of fennel seeds

1 teaspoon of cinnamon or 2 sticks

1 teaspoon powdered ginger

3 mastic seeds

1 teaspoon sesame seeds

2 walnut kernels

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Preparation :

In a spice grinder or in your food processor, put all the spices, seeds and nuts then grind them very finely.

Sieve the powder obtained.

In a large bowl, put the ground coffee then add 2 good teaspoons of the spice mix then mix everything.

Put the coffee with spices in an airtight jar and reserve in a dry and cool place.

Make your coffee normally in the coffee machine or in an Italian coffee maker (count one teaspoon per cup of coffee depending on the taste if you want it long or espresso)

Enjoy the hot spiced coffee with cane sugar preferably for more aroma and why not a touch of milk.

Good realization and good tasting!

The Best Brands of Strong Coffees

Looking for more than the average dose of coffee? Check out these brands!

Of course, we like our coffee strong and aromatic. Morning coffee gets us out of bed and ready for the day. But what is the strongest coffee in the world? The strength of the coffee depends on the amount of caffeine it contains.

A typical cup of filter coffee contains about 90 milligrams of caffeine. In a cup of espresso, which many consider stronger, there is even less caffeine than in a regular cup of coffee. However, if you compare the amount of drinks, espresso contains more caffeine than regular filter coffee.

There are specialty coffee vendors who sell their coffee with more than double the caffeine found in traditionally roasted beans. Thus, a cup of coffee from this strong coffee maker contains a significantly higher amount of caffeine and is therefore only for real caffeine addicts.

What are the strongest coffees in the world?

Six coffee suppliers aim to produce the world's strongest coffe.. Death Wish Coffee, Black Insomnia Coffee, Banned Coffee, Biohazard Coffee, Shock Coffee, and Killer Coffee provide the needed extra boost and boost to start the day

Death Wish Cafe

The Death Wish coffee developed by Mike Brown comes from the United States.. The powerful effect of one of the strongest coffees in the world is already underlined by the product name and the dark black packaging with a white skull on it.

According to the manufacturer, 100 milliliters of Death Wish coffee contains 151 mg of caffeine, which is approximately 200% more caffeine than in normal filter coffee. Therefore, a cup of strong coffee is not necessarily harmful to the human body , it should not exceed two cups so as not to exceed the maximum recommended daily dose of caffeine.

Forbidden coffee

The first competitor to Death Wish coffee is Banned Coffee from French manufacturer Terri Rossi. He and two of his colleagues tasted coffee. When one of the guests suggested that the coffee was so strong that it should be banned, the name of this contender for the strongest coffee in the world was born. With 237 milligrams of caffeine per 100 milliliters, the caffeine content is significantly higher than that of Death Wish coffee.

Black insomnia coffee

Due to the amount of caffeine it contains, it is the strongest coffee in the world: black insomnia coffee.. With 702 milligrams of caffeine per cup, it's not entirely harmless. Swiss lab tester and inventor Sean Kristafo created the coffee with beans and roasters .According to news from South Africa, Death Wish Coffee and Banned Coffee are fighting for the title of the world's strongest coffee. It has not yet been proven that the high caffeine content is purely natural..

Shock Coffee

This coffee is considered by many coffee lovers to be the brand that invented the strong coffee trend; the brand does not mention caffeine on its packaging, its coffee which is a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans is claimed to be twice as strong as regular roasts..

Biohazard coffee

Dramatic name, dramatic values: "Biohazard" is the name of this New York coffee blend which, when brewed with 250 milliliters of water, contains 457.8 milligrams of caffeine!

killer coffee

This coffee is made from arabica beans - comes from Australia. The brand is proud to have found the strongest Arabica coffee beans, which traditionally contain less caffeine than Robusta coffee beans. A 250-milliliter cup of "killer" coffee contains 430 milligrams of caffeine - a value that is already above the daily caffeine consumption recommendation.

Considering the amount of caffeine that Black Insomnia coffee contains, it is probably the strongest coffee in the world.. However, it remains to be seen whether the caffeine dose in the coffee was also produced purely naturally.

What does caffeine do in our bodies?

Coffee is now proven to promote health rather than damage it, as has long been assumed and even propagated. If you consume coffee in moderation as recommended, caffeine also contributes significantly to your health..

Caffeine has now been shown to increase endurance and reaction time, and improve short-term memory, stimulates the central nervous system, makes tired people alive, activity muscle is activated, which also has a positive effect on the heart.

When you drink coffee in a healthy way, it reduces the incidence of heart disease and heart attacks. It also reduces gallstones.. Caffeine is said to clean the arteries. Studies show these effects

Why are coffee pods so popular?

When the first coffee pods (and the machines that use them) entered the market two decades ago, it was seen as something new. Not only are coffee capsules an entirely new concept, but they have also been a somewhat exclusive commodity. As were the machines needed to use it.

Today, tens of millions of people worldwide rely on it for 100% Nespresso capsules and machines. 
They simply cannot imagine going back to an era when Nespresso capsules did not exist. This is, even though others will tell you that unless you brew a cup of coffee by scratching the old-fashioned way, it's simply not a real cup of coffee.

Granted, the ceremony of brewing a fresh cup of coffee the traditional way is part of the fun. Moreover, traditional brewing methods open the door to limitless experiences. But this does not detract from the popularity of coffee capsules.

So, why is these Nespresso capsules and similar coffee capsules such a huge success? What do Nespresso capsules offer that transcends the traditional approach to brewing coffee?

1) No skill included

If you simply can't be bothered by learning the ins and outs of expert coffee brewing, Nespresso capsules could be right on your street. The idea is that instead of getting bogged down in the science of how it all works, you can simply toss a capsule in the machine and let it take care of things for you.

2) Fresh coffee with every cup

One of the most important rules when it comes to making quality coffee is to keep the coffee beans and ground coffee as fresh as possible. Or in other words, use only the exact amount you need at the exact time you need it. This is exactly how high-quality Nespresso capsules work - each unit is airtight, with the seal breaking at the moment of use. It all ensures incredible freshness with every cup.

3) Less mess to clean

Some of the most popular methods of brewing coffee are usually surprisingly messy. The more equipment you need, the longer it will take to clear things out when the mission is over. Not the end of the world, but a headache that can nevertheless be avoided by using quality coffee capsules. In most coffee capsule machines, the capsule is removed and placed in the relevant recycling container and you are ready to brew your next cup.

4) A variety of options

Last but not least, working with coffee pods no longer means having to accept just a handful of generic coffees. Quite the opposite - there are thousands of different types of coffee available in capsule form. Some of them are manufactured using the most incredible specialty coffee on the market. So if it's been a while since you pulled out the newest coffee pods, you can get a pleasant surprise!

Our store offers you a complete guide to buying the best online Nespresso capsules, coffee tablets,  coffee machines , whole beans, and ground coffee. Our specialty coffee menu includes the legendary Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, the best Hawaiian Kona coffee, Geisha coffee also known as Geisha coffee